Sunday, October 19, 2014


Dear Amanda Bynes,

Since you have been locked up and most likely wont see the light of day for quite some time I am waiting for you to get out to read this, google yourself, and find it.

From what I can tell, you are not a mental case.  You act like a weirdo but that is most likely from drugs and hanging out with emasculated satanists.  Do not hang out with satanists Amanda Bynes, I understand they may be familiar to you being involved in Hollywood and all, but try to understand that satanists are not going to be good friends to you.  I am not saying they can't be interesting people, but they are patently creepy, every last one I have ever known of has been a creepy person.  You are not a creepy person Amanda, but you have been damaged.

I for one, believe you when you say your Dad is foul.  I do not know your dad but I believe what you say about him.  And I dont think you are crazy.  I do think you have been drugged out like a crack-ho though and being in a mental hospital will at the very least, sober you up a bit.  Forced medications non-withstanding. 

Once sober, might I suggest taking stock of your life experiences so far?

I dont know you or even care much about your life except that it seems that the world at large thinks you are mental.  I do not.  Do you have a transmitter put in your brain by your father which allows folks to read your mind?  I think not, but who am I to say for sure?  What I think is that your nerves are shot and your brain has begun to short-circut.  I think you have lost yourself.

But who are you?  Child star.  Victim?  Survivor?

Let's delve, shall we?

Your parents broker a deal by which you are placed into the clutches of one of Hollywood's most notorious child molesters.  

Possibly also a satanist, who can say?
What I can tell you is the star of his next project turned up pregnant, seemingly a boyfriend was auditioned then paid to take the fall, and stick around for 2 years time.... but 5 years later and check out those eyebrows...the child looks like her father:

and I dont mean this guy:

But this is not a post about them, its about what happened to you.

Some people say you were forced to terminate a pregnancy while you were working under Dan and that you were rewarded for doing so by being given your own show "the Amanda show"

I would wager that the price paid for that show was too much to bear and further I would speculate that your parents or father told you to continue working there, knowing the hell you were going through.

What happens to a person when they are marginalized and their self worth amounts to nil in the eyes of the adults around them?  NPD, thats what and I dont mean the police.

(Although I hear Sting does have a similar penchant and hired goons to intimidate his prey) 
that is a rumor and I digress....

No, I am speaking of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
A brief wiki synapsis:

Personality Traits
Unprincipled narcissist
Including antisocial features. A charlatan who is a fraudulent, exploitative, deceptive, and unscrupulous individual
Deficient conscience; unscrupulous, amoral, disloyal, fraudulent, deceptive, arrogant, exploitive; a con man and charlatan; dominating, contemptuous, vindictive.

Amorous narcissist
Including histrionic features. The Don Juan or Casanovaof our times who is erotic, exhibitionist
Sexually seductive, enticing, beguiling, tantalizing; glib and clever; disinclines real intimacy; indulges hedonistic desires; bewitches and inveigles others; pathological lying and swindling.

Including negativistic and avoidant features
Seeks to counteract or cancel out deep feelings of inferiority and lack of self-esteem; offsets deficits by creating illusions of being superior, exceptional, admirable, noteworthy; self-worth results from self-enhancement.

Variant of “pure” pattern. Corresponds to Wilhelm Reich's "phallic narcissistic" personality type
Feels privileged and empowered by virtue of special childhood status and pseudo achievements; entitled façade bears little relation to reality; seeks favored and good life; is upwardly mobile; cultivates special status and advantages by association.

Including paranoid features
An individual whose self-esteem was severely arrested during childhood, who usually displays major paranoid tendencies, and who holds on to an illusion of omnipotence. These people are fighting delusions of insignificance and lost value, and trying to re-establish their self-esteem through grandiose fantasies and self-reinforcement. When unable to gain recognition or support from others, they take on the role of a heroic or worshipped person with a grandiose mission.

I do not know you Amanda Bynes, but you might find yourself in these words.  Don't worry, its not your fault, NPD happens when you are marginalized and devalued as a child.  Its a self defense mechanism and not anything to say you are mental.  It would be a good idea, however to consider what can be done to fix that slight to your mental/emotional development.  I suggest buddhist meditations.

So you post a series of tweets to out your father as perverted:
check out the body language in this family photo, is he gripping your arm there?  You have your head cocked as far to your mother's side as possible, and while your dad seems to be happy to be made famous, you are clearly disassociated from the photo, look at your face/eyes..... gone.

then you lay out a series of NPD laden statements when you arrive back in L.A.:

"Posing for the cameras and holding up a peace sign with her hands, she said: 'I'm going to sue my father and my mother for deserted me, I'm one of the smartest girls on the face of the earth, I'm also a multi-millionaire, and I'm awesome.'   She added: 'I will never speak to my father again. I cannot wait for him to be dead in his grave, like honestly my dad is like the most unbeautiful person on the face of the earth.' 
As she got in the back of a four-wheel drive, she told the group of camera men she wants to be 'like Marilyn Monroe' before saying: 'You guys are like my family!"

But how did you end up so bamboozled as to have landed on another 5150 hold?

I think I know....

This captain douchbag has been responsible for inserting his slimeball self into a number of family fracases.  More than one family has had restraining orders out on him,  and I mean the entire family took one out on him...  He is obsessed and possibly NPD in his own way as well.

"In 2004, neighbor Mark Douglas Snoland obtained a three-year restraining order after Lutfi threatened to “beat his ass,” called him homophobic slurs, and said “Your mom is an old hag,” according to the order. Two years later, former roommate and friend Danny Haines also obtained a restraining order against Lutfi after they had a falling out and Lutfi emailed naked photographs of Haines to his friends, family, and employer.  According to documents Gladstone read in court, Lutfi left Haines threatening messages, including one that said “Hope you end up behind bars or six feet under soon.”
read it all here

Samuel Barth – Lutfi’s former roommate and an aspiring actor – also filed for a restraining order. He says Lutfi tried to diagnose Barth with mental problems, then stalked him and his family.

"Mr. Lutfi began to insist that my mother was 'evil,' and my family relationships seemed unhealthy. Mr. Lutfi was a concerted effort to turn my minor sister against our mother, incessantly calling, emailing, and texting about me and our supposedly unhealthy family life…Mr. Lutfi has persistently stalked and harassed me, repeatedly calling and sending my family, my friends and me unwanted and unsolicited text, chat, and email messages….even tried to disrupt my relationship with my minor daughter, offering her a cell phone she could use to avoid my supervision, suggesting he send her airline tickets to Los Angeles, and urging her seek a court order to terminate my custody."

And let's not forget the entire Spears family restraining order as well.

So um, Amanda, he is not like a brother to you.... he is like a megalomaniac who wants on your coattails.
He said your parents reached out to him, but seriously your parents probably don't know how to find him and most likely he is the one who contacted them.

This is what he had to say about you:

"Amanda is a beautiful, amazing and very strong woman who has been through a lot,” Lutfi writes “So are Courtney and Britney. Like me, they are also survivors. Call me whatever name you need to but please, leave these women alone.”

So thats nice... I guess.... unless you note that he inserts himself into the mix and compares his life to yours.

So what's my point in all of this?

I want to tell you that you dont seem crazy to me.  Crazy is a crazy does.  You have acted erratically and performed some questionable acts (gas on dog.... 'nuff sed).

You seem off, and possibly have some major personal issues to address once you get out, but in my opinion, being placed in a mental hospital and medicated against your will is gonna damage you even more, not make you well again.  Not in the long run.  Now you have to undo the mess that the involuntary commitment has made of your psyche. 

You said on twitter you wanted to transfer out of fashion school to study psychology.  Good idea!  This will be the way that you can work your own self, by learning about exactly what has happened to you.  Do it, make that a goal.  You will be in good company.  (!)

Had Sam not delivered you unto evil as he did, you most likely would have eventually been confronted with a major personal rejection.  Something which might have woken you up to your personality problems, the fact that people find you weird and uninviting.... laughable even.

That rejection is what you would have used to either sink or swim out of this mess.  You would have viewed yourself PRIVATELY through the eyes of others and done some growing up and and out of the current state you found yourself in.  (Weird, uninviting, odd, etc)  I think this hospitalization might be ok for you if you do not have idiots running amok in positions of power.  Good luck finding that facility....  However since that is the predicament that you currently find yourself in, I do hope for your own mental health that there is a competent professional in there somewhere who can honestly help you.

They say you were diagnosed with schizophrenia.  That I find hard to believe.  You must have hallucinations, delusions and or auditory 'voices' in your head giving you directives to fit that bill.  No, I think NPD is more fitting and certainly something that is more easily overcome.  Even if you do have some schizoid personality traits.... those can be exacerbated by drug use specifically marijuana.  People who are diagnosed with schizophrenia seem to have a different response to weed than others, it does seem to make things worse for them.  So I am saying you might have a smidge of the schizo behavior without having the full on diagnosable condition.  Do not believe the hype Amanda Bynes I do not think you are schizophrenic.  I think you have been damaged.

I wish I could give you a band-aid for it but unfortunately being hospitalized in the way that you were has probably damaged you even further.  It was not your fault and you can persevere.  Amanda, I am pulling for you.  You can come out on the other side of this without a stigmatizing label.

A tweet about a microchip in your brain does not mean you are mentally ill, it means you need to sober up and grow from this.

I am curious though, was it Sam who convinced you to recant what you said about your dad?  'Just take that post down,' I can hear him say.... 'it wont look good in court.'

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